Since Days of Darkness has been officially canceled, we didn't want to leave everyone bummed, so instead there is going to be a better,shorter movie, that goes by the name "ForeTell" as you will see by the upcoming trailer for this, its kinda like I Am Legend and The Knowing Combined. This short movie will take you on a unique, yet tempting experience you have never seen before on the Halo 3 Game engine.
Andrew Walker, March 22, 2025. Andrew was your usual dad. He had 1 Son, and a wife that recently pasted away. While looking for something in the attic, he encountered something else - something thats not of this world. It controls time. It controls the very existence of Earth itself. Now hes on a journey trying to find out what this item does and what he can do to stop it. The only thing he doesnt know? When it will Explode. When the last day of Earth..Will come.