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Main » 2009 » July » 22 » Ubisoft friending Facebook
1:36 PM
Ubisoft friending Facebook

French publisher unveils Ubifriends gaming portal, promises steady stream of games, apps for the social network.

Following its controversial closure of Scrabulous, Electronic Arts put its own, official version of Scrabble on Facebook last July. Now, Ubisoft--which is partially owned by EA--has publicly revealed its own game plan for the massive online social network.

This morning, the French publisher announced its new gaming portal, Ubifriends, which it claims will now offer a steady stream of new games and applications. The first offering will be TickTock, a trivia game that measures how well Facebook users know their friends. The app pulls data from friends' status updates and "reinforces the importance of a user's social graph." Apparently, popular gamers will also be more successful players, as the publisher states "the more friends a user has on Facebook, the more successful that player may be at TickTock."

TickTock and Ubifriends are the first projects of a Ubisoft internal team based in San Francisco, and the portal takes advantage of the Google App Engine, which it believes "makes Web applications easy to build, scale, and maintain."

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